Contract Review
Request a contract review or learn more about insurance requirements and certificates of insurance.
Updated October 18, 2023
Campus Contract Review
UCI Risk Services partners with UCI Procurement Services and all departments to review insurance, indemnity, and limitation of liability requirements in contracts, purchase orders, leases, facility use agreements, and other agreements.
UCI Risk Services strives to review and reply to your contract review requests within 48 hours.
UC Policy BUS-63: Insurance Requirements and Certificates of Insurance
Pursuant to UC Policy BUS-63, all agreements between external suppliers and the university, as part of the agreement:
- The supplier MUST maintain minimum levels of insurance. These general minimum levels can vary by type of work performed, such as health, transportation, and construction related work.
- The supplier MUST add the university as an Additional Insured (AI).
- The supplier MUST provide a Certificate of Insurance (COI) showing evidence of compliance with the established minimum insurance requirements. Departments should request suppliers’ COI as early as possible because not providing the COI can delay our analysis and approval.
- The supplier MUST agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the university from loss, injury, or damage caused by or as a result of the supplier's negligent or intentional acts arising out of the performance of the contract.
These requirements MUST BE MET BEFORE the effective date of a contract, purchase order, or other agreement.
CampusConnexions Program
Suppliers who do not meet the university’s insurance requirements for general liability and professional liability can purchase insurance from the CampusConnexions Program. If the supplier’s application is accepted, an annual policy covers all work at all UC campuses and costs $750. Go to CampusConnexions for more information about this coverage.
Request a Contract Review
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