
Updated August 3, 2023

All vehicle accidents involving a university vehicle or accidents that occur while the driver is on authorized university business should be reported. Follow these instructions after completing the steps in How to Respond if you are in a Vehicle Accident.

How to Report a Claim

Coverage - examples include:

  • Injury to a visitor to the campus who slips and falls and is hurt as a result of the negligence of the university.
  • Damage to property during a visit to a non-UC location as a result of the university's negligence.
  • Claims against a faculty member who allegedly made slanderous remarks about a student in class.

Office of the President pools money from all campuses to fund this program. The charge to each campus is based upon the claims history for the campus and is adjusted annually. The campus charge is distributed to departments based upon their payroll expense.


Reporting incidents:
If you are involved in or witness an incident, please report it to Risk Management immediately.

Never advise anyone that the university will pay for their injuries or damaged property. Instead, ask what you can do to help the person and refer them to Risk Management if they state that they want to file a claim or receive compensation.

Summary: In most cases, the university does not assume responsibility for loss or damage to the personal property of faculty, staff or students.

Under certain circumstances, where the loss is caused directly by the negligence of the university, coverage may be applicable.

When traveling internationally you may have coverage under the Business Travel Accident Insurance Program.


Filing a Claim:
Alleged loss of or damage to property of an individual should be reported in writing by the claimant to Risk Management for evaluation and determination of possible coverage.

Summary: The Fine Arts Insurance Program provides more complete coverage for art works owned by, or in the care, custody and control of the university than the coverage provided under BUS-81.

General Information:
Risk Management advises departments that own valuable or rare items to participate in the program and schedule their collections. When a department hosts an exhibition of artworks belonging to a third party, the exhibition details, including artwork descriptions and values must be reported to Risk Management.

Paintings, etchings, drawings, rare books, manuscripts, rugs, tapestries, statuary, and other bonafide works of art or rarity, historic value, or artistic merit under the care, custody, or control of the university can be listed under this Fine Arts Insurance Program. For permanent collections and exhibits, most risks of physical loss or damage from external causes are covered.


  • $1,000 - each and every loss, except for earthquake.
  • $10,000 earthquake – each and every loss.
  • $0 deductible for covered visiting exhibits.

Paid by the department that lists the item or exhibit through an annual charge:

  • In 2010-2011 annual premiums were approximately $4.00 per $1000 of listed value.

Securing Coverage:

  • Each department may request coverage of university-owned items.
  • It is the department's responsibility to provide annual confirmation that coverage is still required.
  • Coverage for all exhibits belonging to third parties must be requested in advance with details of the exhibition, dates, exhibit values, etc.

Filing a Claim:

Summary: UC insurance covers the liability for the operation of university-owned boats. Special arrangements for insurance are required to cover rented or borrowed boats.


  • Hull Insurance - covers damage to the boat itself.
  • Liability Insurance (Protection and Indemnity) - covers injury to persons and damage to other vessels.
  • Rented or Borrowed Boats - the insurance program does not automatically cover borrowed or rented boats. Contact Risk Management prior to making any arrangements.
  • Chartered Vessels - the insurance program does not cover chartered vessels. A UC Charter Agreement is required and the vessel owner must maintain adequate insurance.


  • Hull Insurance - in most cases a $250 deductible will apply to covered damages on small watercraft.

While the charge varies from year to year the cost is approximately $50 per year for a $10,000 boat. An annual charge will be made to the department to cover the premium. Vessels over 30' may be substantially higher.

Securing Coverage:
A listing of all boats, regardless of size, must be submitted to Risk Management in order to be covered. Vessels not reported within 180 days will be without coverage.

Filing a Claim:
Report the damage or theft immediately and complete a Property Damage or Loss Report form. Risk Management must report the loss to the insurers within 60 days.

Need an expert?
Contact Christopher Richmond, Risk Manager, 949-824-6510.

University policies, procedures and applicable collective bargaining agreements shall supersede information in this document or elsewhere on this site.

How to Report Damaged or Destroyed UC Property

  1. Inform your supervisor and/or departmental manager.
  2. Call the UCI Police Department at 949-824-5223 if the damage is the result of vandalism or theft.
  3. Call UCI's claim administrator, Sedgwick, immediately at 800-416-4029 and press '1'. Operators are available 24/7.
  4. Complete a Property Damage / Loss Report and submit it to Risk Management within 24 hours of the incident.

Gather the following information:

  • How, when and where did the damage or destruction occur?
  • What is the extent of the damage?
  • Take photos if they will illustrate the type or extent of the damage.
  • Have the equipment evaluated by a technical representative or other trained professional. Have them indicate cause and extent of damage. Is it repairable?
  • Do not discard the damaged equipment. It may need to be evaluated by an insurance representative.

Complete the Asset Retirement Global document located within the KFS Capital Asset Management (CAM) portlet.

Report all losses for tracking even if the loss does not exceed the deductible.

How to Report Vehicle Accidents or Damage

  1. Notify your supervisor immediately.
  2. Follow instructions below depending upon vehicle ownership.
  1. Contact UCI's Claim Administrator, Sedgwick, immediately by calling 800-416-4029 and pressing '1'. Operators are available 24/7.
  2. Use the Vehicle Accident Report for assistance in answering the questions asked by the Sedgwick operator.
  3. Send the Vehicle Accident Report you completed at the accident site to Fleet Services, ZotCode 3050 or fax to 949-824-1069.
  1. Contact UCI's Claim Administrator, Sedgwick, immediately by calling 800-416-4029 and pressing '1'. Operators are available 24/7.
  2. Use the Vehicle Accident Report form for assistance in answering the questions asked by the Sedgwick operator.
  3. Send the Vehicle Accident Report you completed at the accident site to Risk Management, ZotCode 4530 or fax to 949-824-2141 with a copy to your supervisor.
  1. Contact your own insurance provider immediately as this is the primary coverage.
  2. Contact UCI's Claim Administrator, Sedgwick, immediately by calling 800-416-4029 and pressing '1'. Operators are available 24/7.

How to Respond if You are in a Vehicle Accident

  1. Assess or ask whether any individual requires medical assistance.
  2. Provide first-aid if required.

Dial 911.

  1. Complete the Vehicle Accident Report form, located in the glove compartment of university-owned vehicles, and be sure to record the following information:
    • Names of the other drivers involved.
    • Names of the owners of each vehicle (they may be different from the drivers’).
    • License number of each vehicle.
    • Insurance company name and address for each vehicle.
    • Witnesses’ names and addresses (if any).
    • Try to obtain brief written statements about what the witnesses saw.
    • The case number, the officer’s name, badge #, and department name if police attended the scene.
  2. If you have a camera, take photos of the accident scene, the damage to your vehicle and the other vehicle(s).
  3. If someone is injured, or if property has been damaged, record as much as possible about the injuries or damage.
  1. The Evidence of Insurance document issued for all university vehicles identifies the vehicle and states that the vehicle is covered under the University of California Self-Insurance Program (BUS-75).
  2. If police or other parties have questions about the insurance coverage, refer them to Risk Management. Never advise anyone that the university will pay for his or her injury or damaged property. Instead ask what you can do to help the person and refer them to Risk Management if they state that they want to make a claim.


  • Do not sign any statements or make any determination of liability.
  • Do not admit fault. These liability determinations can only be made after a complete investigation of the facts.
  1. Call 800-416-4029 and press '1'. Operators are available 24/7.
  2. See How to Report Vehicle Accidents/Damage.